Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Quillan Games

The Quillan Games
D.J. MacHale
Bobby Pendragon, the main character of The Quillan Games, is now on another technologically advanced territory where robots called dados enforce security and a company called Blok is in control of almost everything. The Quillan games are games where athletic people from around Quillan are sent to Veego and LaBerge, the sister and brother who run the games, and become challengers. Bobby is Challenger Red, but the Quillan games are risky, and sometimes deadly, so Bobby must beware of the other challengers especially the unbeaten Challenger Green. Who is the mysterious Mr. Pop that Bobby keeps hearing about, and what must he do to save Quillan from being run by Blok, who doesn't allow any imagination in Quillan at all?

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