Saturday, September 24, 2011

Reading Update

7800 pages blogged, 848 pages to blog, and -5048 pages left to read. That was an update on my page amount.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Eight

The Eight
Katherine Neville
Catherine Velis, one of the main characters of The Eight, is a computer expert for a Big Eight accounting firm, lives in 1972, and  is an amateur in chess and mathematics. Mirelle and Valentine de Remy are blood cousins and French sister nuns at Montglane Abbey during 1790. Catherine and the Remy cousins must track down the priceless pieces of the Monglane Service in their different times, while playing a game of chess; where people are the pieces, and death is far to close for comfort.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Soldiers of Halla

The Soldiers of Halla
D.J. MacHale
The last battle has come for Bobby Pendragon, the main character of The Soldiers of Halla. Ravina has taken over all of the ten territories, but Saint Dane has made one huge mistake, and Bobby must make sure it is fatal. Bobby has found out that the Travelers are spirits from a place called Solara, and 70,000 exiles from Second Earth that Saint Dane didn't kill are the only things keeping it alive. Bobby and the Travelers know have the same powers as Saint Dane, but using them depletes Solara. Will they use their powers wisely?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Raven Rise

Raven Rise
D.J. MacHale
Bobby Pendragon, the main character of Raven Rise, is now facing a battle that he hoped would never come: the battle for Second Earth. Alexander Naymeer has not died on First Earth like he was supposed to, and he is in charge of a cult called Ravina that is informed about Halla and agree with Saint Dane. Patrick, the Traveler from Third Earth, has discovered something called the Bronx Massacre, and Bobby and Alder, the Traveler from Denduron, must figure out what it is, and stop it.

The Pilgrims of Rayne

The Pilgrims of Rayne
D.J. MacHale
Bobby Pendragon, the main character of The Pilgrims of Rayne, is now on the paradise-like island of Ibara. The first Traveler from Ibara, Remudi, died on Quillan, so Bobby must find the second Traveler from Ibara and teach him about the Travelers. Luckily, Bobby soon finds Siry, leader of the Jakills; a group of children that protect the villagers from the primitive and dangerous Flighters; and Traveler from Ibara. The Jakills are paning to leave Rayne and discover the truth, but what is it, and why is it being kept a secret?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Quillan Games

The Quillan Games
D.J. MacHale
Bobby Pendragon, the main character of The Quillan Games, is now on another technologically advanced territory where robots called dados enforce security and a company called Blok is in control of almost everything. The Quillan games are games where athletic people from around Quillan are sent to Veego and LaBerge, the sister and brother who run the games, and become challengers. Bobby is Challenger Red, but the Quillan games are risky, and sometimes deadly, so Bobby must beware of the other challengers especially the unbeaten Challenger Green. Who is the mysterious Mr. Pop that Bobby keeps hearing about, and what must he do to save Quillan from being run by Blok, who doesn't allow any imagination in Quillan at all?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Rivers of Zadaa

The Rivers of Zadaa
D.J. MacHale
On the territory Zadaa, Bobby Pendragon, the main character of The Rivers of Zadaa, is facing a major drought in the city Xhaxhu; home of Loor, a Batu warrior, Bobby's friend, and the traveler from Zadaa. There is next to no water anywhere and the Batu are dying of thirst. But what of the Rokador, who live underground? Something big is happening and Bobby, Loor, Alder, and Saangi, Loor's acolyte, must figure out what it is. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Black Water

Black Water
D.J. MacHale
The next territory that Bobby Pendragon, the main character of Black Water, journeys to is called Eelong. It is surprising different from the other territories that Bobby has gone to because... jungle cats are the superior being on Eelong. Gars (humans) can talk, but most of them are still extremely dumb, so the klees (jungle cats) keep them as slaves, they also are arguing about whether it should be allowed, or not, to eat gars. Saint Dane has cheated and taken the form of a klee, but what will happen when Bobby's friends on Second Earth, which is in 2010, know Saint Dane's plan and he doesn't?

The Reality Bug

The Reality Bug
D.J. MacHale
Bobby Pendragon, the main character of The Reality Bug, now must find, and fight, Saint Dane on the technologically advanced territory Veelox where everyone is using the virtual reality system called Lifelight. Aja Killian, the traveler from Veelox, has created a virus called the Reality Bug, which will make the Lifelight jumps around Veelox not a perfect as the used to be. But Saint Dane always has a plan, so what is it?

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Never War

The Never War
D.J. MacHale
After the death of his Uncle Press,  Bobby Pendragon, the main character of The Never War must fight the demon Saint Dane on the territory First Earth, in 1937, without some one who knows what he's doing. Bobby, Spader, and Vincent "Gunny" Van Dyke must figure what Saint Dane is trying to do to our past. But what will happen when Spader's rage at Saint Dane gets out of hand?

The Lost City of Faar

The Lost City of Farr
D.J. MacHale
Bobby Pendragon, the main character of The Lost City of Faar, has battled the evil demon Saint Dane once before on the primitive territory Denduron. Now he must do it again on the territory called Cloral, that's completely underwater! This time, Bobby and Uncle Press have no idea what Saint Dane is up to, and no idea how to stop it. The added challenge of telling Vo Spader that he is a Traveler, and that is why his father died makes this Bobby's most dangerous adventure yet.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Merchant of Death

The Merchant of Death
D.J. MacHale
Bobby Pendragon, the main character in The Merchant of Death, is MVP of his school's basketball team. While he's rushing out the door to the county semifinals, Courtney Chetwynde, the girl from his school that almost everyone has a crush on including Bobby, she admits she likes him, and they kiss for a short time when Bobby's Uncle Press whisks him away on a motorcycle. After escaping from demon dogs and a fake cop, Bobby finds himself on a primitive "territory" called Denduron where civil war is brewing, and  things only get more difficult when Press in kidnapped and sentenced to be executed. Bobby must save Denduron from destruction and his uncle from death, while trying to figure out what the heck is going on.

Chew on This

Chew on This
Eric Schlosser & Charles Wilson
Chew on This does not have a main character, but it is about food and the disturbing places it comes from. A "secret ingredient" is added to most hamburg patties  and is what caused the out break of E-coli from Jack in the Box in which four people died, nearly two hundred were hospitalized, and seven hundred got sick. Teenagers are developing diabetes, next to toxic corn is in everything, and, to put it simply, Americans are getting fatter and it's killing us.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Omnivore's Dilemma Young Reader's Edition

The Omnivore's Dilemma Young Readers Edition
Michael Pollan
"Food detective" Michael Pollan, the main character of TODYRE, sets out to trace, and eat, a meal from one of every four main sources: Industrial; mostly derived from corn, full of chemicals, and exactly what would be found at any McDonald's; Industrial Organic; organic, but still shipped from other countries, like Whole Foods; Local Sustainable; food grown locally and shipped from not far away, if you lived in Virginia Joel Salatin's farm would be a perfect example; and finally hunter-gatherer; all hunted, gathered or farmed by eater and assistants. Michael  travels to many different places gathering knowledge about what is actually in our food.


Louis Sachar
The main characters in the book Holes are: Stanley Yelnats III; an  overweight boy who's family has been cursed ever since his great-great-grandfather stole a pig from a gypsy; Elya Yelnats; Stanley's great-great-grandfather; and Kissin' Kate Barlow an infamous outlaw that robbed Stanley Yelnats I. Stanley is accused of stealing the sneakers of the famous baseball player Clyde Livingston or "Sweet Feet" and is sent to Camp Green Lake, a camp where juvenile delinquents are forced to dig a hole five feet deep and five feet in diameter per day in the scorching sun. If the boys (or girls) find anything interesting they can give it to the Warden and might get the rest of the day off, and Stanley soon figures out that they must be looking for something. This intriguing novel by Louis Sachar alternates between past and present giving the reader an inkling of what will happen that only makes them want to read more.


Christopher Paolini

The main characters of Brisingr are Eragon, a Dragon Rider, and Saphira, his blue dragon. Eragon's sword Zar'roc has been stolen by Murtagh, but Solembum, a werecat, told Eragon two things, one of which was to look under the Menoa tree when he need a weapon, so he looks for brightsteel, metal derived from the remains of meteorites that  Rhunon used to make the Riders' swords. What will happen if Saphira attacks the tree and risks its wrath; and if she does how will Rhunon break her unbreakable oath to not forge any more Riders’ swords?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Christopher Paolini
The main character in Eldest is: Eragon Shadeslayer; a Dragon Rider exceptionally skilled with swordsmanship and magic; and Saphira Brightscales; his blue dragon.  Eragon and Saphira are being educated in Du Welvarden, the impenetrable forest where elves live, when they receive word of the Varden's peril and fly to help. Murtagh and Thorn arrive at the battle and Eragon and Saphira must find ways to defeat them, even though Murtagh is unnaturally strong in magic.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Christopher Paolini
The main characters in the book Eragon are: Eragon, a farm boy who discovers a dragon egg, and Saphira, his dragon. Eragon and Brom journey across Alagaesia tracking the Ra'zac that killed Eragon's uncle, and searching for the mysterious Varden. But Brom has secrets, and a fortune teller foretells many disturbing things it Eragon's future.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Homework from Charlie Brown

Hello room 14ers! I am Charlie Brown, and if you don't know who that is research Manchester history starting with Mr. Gallagher since Mrs. Yin's gone.

Who said this? "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways you can't make a light bulb."